Changing arrangements - bringing meetings forward and moving them back (B1-B2)

Stella has a meeting with Jackie on Friday, but she now needs to change it. If Stella wants to meet later than they planned, is this bringing their meeting forward or is it moving their meeting back? 

Look at their phone conversation to help you.


Purchasing, Jackie speaking.  


Oh, hi Jackie.  It's Stella. 


Hi Stella. How are things? 


Not bad, thanks.  Well, not bad for a Monday!  I'm calling about our meeting on the twentieth


This Friday?  The service contract?


Yes, that one.  I'm sorry, but something urgent's come up and I need to reschedule.   


Sure.  Let me bring up my diary and I'll have a look.


Thanks.  Is there any chance we could bring the meeting back to Tuesday next week, the twenty-fourth?


Sorry, but I'm out of the office most of Tuesday.  I've got meetings with a couple of new suppliers.   


OK, what about this Thursday instead then?


At the same time?


Yes, let's make it easy. 


OK, that's fine for me. 


Perfect!  So I'll see you then on Thursday at ten o'clock.


Yes, see you on Thursday


Great!  Bye Jackie.



Learning Points

  1. The meeting is booked for Friday 20th, but Stella wants to move it back to Tuesday 24th.
    • to move a meeting back = to have a meeting later than was agreed.  Moving a meeting back means that you delay or postpone it.
  2. They don't have a meeting on Friday 20th.  They agree to meet on Thursday 19th instead.  They decided to bring the meeting forward.
    • To bring a meeting forward = to have a meeting earlier than was agreed.
  3. You'll often hear these phrases when people need to change arrangements, but they aren't easy to understand at first, and even some native English speakers don't use them correctly.
  4. If you, or the people you are speaking with, use these phrases, it's really important that you confirm the changes to check your understanding, like Stella does: 'So I'll see you then on Thursday at ten o'clock.'

Interested in learning more?

There are other useful phrases that Jackie and Stella use in their conversation. 

Can you find the general phrase that Stella uses to explain why she needs to change the meeting? 

What phrase does Jackie use to check if she's available? 

Tell me more!